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플루메트린 (Flumethrin)

브랜드 이름들

Not available as a single ingredient product for use with household pets.

혼합 성분

Uses of Flumethrin

Flumethrin is a broad-spectrum ectoparasiticide predominately used to treat ticks and mites in dogs고양이. It has some effectiveness against fleas, lice and mosquitoes.

It is generally combined with other ectoparasiticides such as 이미다클로프리드 (Imidacloprid) to create a broad-spectrum product that controls both fleas and ticks.


For external application. Combined ingredient products supplied as collars.

복용과 사용

Flumethrin is not available as a single ingredient product.

For dosage and administration of combined ingredient products, refer to information on the specific product and use only as directed.

가능한 부작용

Dogs and cats not used to wearing collars may experience behavioral changes such as scratching for the first few days.

Due to the movement of the collar against the skin, some animals may experience irritation and hair loss.

As Flumethrin is only found in combined ingredient products, side effects exhibited by pets may also be attributed to other active ingredients.


Cats are more sensitive to Flumethrin than dogs, and may experience poisoning from a dose that is indicated as safe for dogs.

독성 신호

Overdose of Flumethrin from correct application of collars is unlikely, but poisoning may occur due to accidental ingestion.

Signs of Flumethrintoxicity include skin lesions and neurological symptoms such as loss of coordination, tremors and lethargy.

If you suspect your dog or cat has ingested Flumethrin, or is exhibiting signs of toxicity, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

권리 포기 각서

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플루메트린 (Flumethrin)

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