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당신의 개가 짖는 소리를 멈추게 만드는 5 가지 간단한 팁

 jaime, 2014 년 4 월 15 일 |

Nobody wants to be the owner of 'that dog.' You know the one: they bark all day and night, at anything and any one. If your dog won't stop barking and you don't know why, the likely cause is attention. However you may not need to send them to obedience school just yet. Try following the five tips below and your pooch should calm down in due time.
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1. 동기를 지키는 사람은 눈에 띄지 않게하십시오.


Does your dog bark when people or other pets pass outside the living room window? Then close the curtains or put your dog in another room. Do they bark at people while they're lounging outside? Bring them indoors. As soon as any stimulus is removed, your dog will forget that it was ever a bother to them.


2. Ignore them.


Have you ever heard the phrase, "ignore it and it will stop?" When you react to barking, your dog feels rewarded for their behaviour. It doesn't matter whether you speak nicely or sternly to them. All they wants is attention in whatever form you're willing to give it. Starve your pup of the attention that they crave. It may be difficult at first, but they will stop the noise and move on to other activities.


3. Reward them for being quiet.


자신이 할 수있는 가장 큰 장점 중 하나는 개에게 "조용한"명령을 가르치는 것입니다. 이것은 직관이 어긋난 것처럼 보일 수 있지만, 먼저 개에게 말하도록하십시오. 그들이 몇 번 껍질을 벗기고 나서, 그들 앞에 치료제를 걸어 라. 그들이 짖는 소리를 멈 추면 몇 초 기다리십시오. 그런 다음 그들에게 치료와 승인의 말을 전하십시오.


Keep doing this until they stop barking as soon as you tell them to speak. Once they have mastered the "speak" command, follow the same steps to teach them the "quiet" command.


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4. 그들을 분산시킵니다.


Despite your best training efforts, sometimes your dog won't behave. Some pups just require a simple distraction. The next time your dog barks, break their concentration by banging on the table, slamming a dresser drawer, or shaking a can of coins. Then, just go about your business as usual. Interrupting them like this may startle them so they forget why they were barking at all.


5. Keep them moving.


Wake up earlier to walk your dog longer than usual, play ball with them after work, or find a park nearby where you can unleash them to run during the weekend. If your pup is tired from the day's activities, they'll be less likely to bark because they won't be frustrated or bored. For rainy days, consider investing in some interactive playthings such as ropes and squeaky plush toys. The amount of exercise that your dog needs will depend upon their age and breed. For example, terriers need more exercise than greyhounds. Terriers are bouncy all the time, while greyhounds release their energy in spurts.

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Try not to feel discouraged if your pup doesn't stop barking right away. Training them takes time, patience, and a lot of practice. Remain positive and keep an upbeat tone with them, and they will stop their noisy behaviour.


Valerie - Comment
Valerie21 Apr 2014Reply
I have been using a spray bottle with water and spray both my dogs if they bark. This is not painful and doesn't disturb others in the house. It is working very well. I even have a bottle in the car as their barking is really hard on the nerves in close quarters. A few friends have found this helpful too. Good luck to you all!!
Petbucket Admin  - Comment
Petbucket Admin 29 Apr 2014Reply
Thank you Valerie, that's an excellent suggestion!

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